a cool waveguide structure design tool

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This software version is outdated. It still works at Microsoft Internet Explorer but is not supported by other browsers and internet platforms. Users are encouraged to migratee to the NEW VERSION, which is very similar but universal in respect to Internet technologies as it retains all functions. In addition, the new version offers new technologies, such as agressive space mapping (ASM). The current users can easily convert their project files and transfer them into new version (see import/export options).

About WR_Connect

About Version 01

The version 01 is an upgrade of the Waveguide Connector (version of 15.09.02). The current version has been upgraded with waveguide structure templates, synthesizing and optimizing tools.

Field of Application

WR_Connect is fast "non-rigorous" RF/microwave engineering CAD software created to design waveguide components of the URWS class. It is the perfect design tool for technical proposals and quoting, but it has been also successfully used for real hardware designing.

Components Covered

The area of waveguide components, which can be designed using WR_Connect are mostly band-pass, low-pass, high-pass waveguide filters and also matching and transforming components.

Structures Covered

WR_Connect is applicable to uniaxial rectangular waveguide structures (URWS) composed from several types of elements (step, cavity and diaphragm) connected to each other by straight waveguide sections.

Design Process

WR_Connect is an integrated design environment compromising URWS simulator, synthesizer, optimizer, correctors, editor and templates.


Although the computational engine is based on rigorous mode-matching computational methods, the number of waveguide modes taken into account is set to minimum in order to fit computational ability of IE, reduce design time but still keep accuracy practically acceptable for wide class of applications. For more information refer to Accuracy & Applicability Report to see how simulation results obtained by WR_Connect correlate to results of measurement or simulation performed by some other software.


Copyright © 2002-2009 Digoria Microwave. All rights reserved.


We thank Rousslan Goulouev for creating all HTML pages and attached VBScript modules. We thank Walter Zorn (http://www.walterzorn.com) for the great JavaScript graphic library we have integrated into WR_Connect to draw response plots. We thank Dr. Rouslan Mamoukhov from Matheonics Inc. (http://www.matheonics.com/) for consulting us with computational methods and approaches.